API Reference

FieldContainer and Document

aiorethink.FieldContainer and aiorethink.Document store declared aiorethink.Field objects and undeclared data.

FieldContainers can be used everywhere where declared data is used, for instance as named fields of other FieldContainers or as items of a list.

Documents are FieldContainers with logic for saving them to, and loading them from, a database. Unlike FieldContainers, Documents are required to be “top level” objects, i.e. you can not store a Document object inside of another Document object. For nesting, use FieldContainers. For referencing other documents, use lazy references.

class aiorethink.FieldContainer(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: collections.abc.MutableMapping

A FieldContainer stores named fields. It is the base for aiorethink.Document, but can also be used directly.

There are declared fields (i.e. instances of Field), and there are undeclared fields. Both can be accessed using a dict-like interface. Only declared fields can be accessed by attribute.

A FieldContainer can be stored to and loaded from a RethinkDB. This way, it can act as a “value”. An associated ValueType class, FieldContainerValueType, makes it possible to use FieldContainer values “anywhere”.


Deletes all fields.


Creates a new FieldContainer (same class as self) and (shallow) copies all fields. The new FieldContainer is returned.


Returns ItemsView of (db_key, db_value).


Returns a KeysView of database field names.


Returns a ValuesView of suited-for-DB representations of values.

classmethod from_cursor(cursor)[source]

Returns an aiorethink.db.CursorAsyncMap object, i.e. an asynchronous iterator that iterates over all objects in the RethinkDB cursor. Each object from the cursor is loaded into a FieldContainer instance using cls.from_doc, so make sure that the query you use to make the cursor returns “complete” FieldContainers with all its fields included.

Usage example:

# TODO make an example for the more general FieldContainer
conn = await aiorethink.db_conn
all_docs_cursor = MyDocument.cq().run(conn)
async for doc in MyDocument.from_cursor(all_docs_cursor):
    assert isinstance(doc, MyDocument) # holds
classmethod from_query(query, conn=None)[source]

First executes a ReQL query, and then, depending on the query, returns either no object (empty result), one FieldContainer object (query returns an object), or an asynchronous iterator over FieldContainer objects (query returns a sequence). When writing your query, you know whether it will return a single object or a sequence (which might contain one object).

The query may or may not already have called run(): * if run() has been called, then the query (strictly speaking, the

awaitable) is just awaited. This gives the caller the opportunity to customize the run() call.
  • if run() has not been called, then the query is run on the given connection (or the default connection). This is more convenient for the caller than the former version.

If the query returns None, then the method returns None.

If the query returns an object, then the method loads a FieldContainer object (of type cls) from the result. (NB make sure that your query returns the whole container, i.e. all its fields). The loaded FieldContainer instance is returned.

If the query returns a cursor, then the method calls cls.from_cursor and returns its result (i.e. an aiorethink.db.CursorAsyncMap object, an asynchronous iterator over FieldContainer objects).

get_dbvalue(fld_name, default=None)[source]

Returns suitable-for-DB representation (something JSON serilizable) of the given field. If the field is a declared field, some conversion might be involved, depending on the field’s value type. If the field exists but is undeclared, the field’s value is returned without any conversion, even if that is not json serializable. If the field does not exist, default is returned.


Returns a KeysView of field names.

set_dbvalue(fld_name, dbvalue, mark_updated=True)[source]

Sets a field’s ‘DB representation’ value. If fld_name is not a declared field, this is the same as the ‘python world’ value, and set_dbvalue does the same as __setitem__. If fld_name is a declared field, the field’s ‘python world’ value is constructed from dbvalue according to the field’s value type’s implementation, as if the field is loaded from the database.

Note than fld_name refers to the field’s “document field name”, which might be different from the field’s “database field name”. You can convert a “database field name” to a “Document field name” using get_key_for_dbkey().


Returns suited-for-DB representation of the FieldContainer.


Explicitly validate the field container. aiorethink does this automatically when necessary (for example when an Document is saved).

The default implementation validates all updated fields individually.

When you override this, don’t forget to call super().validate().

The method returns self.


Explicitly validate the field with the given name. This happens automatically for most fields when they are updated. The exception to this are fields where aiorethink can not know when updates happen, for example when you change an element within a list.

The method returns self.


Returns a ValuesView of values.

class aiorethink.Document(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiorethink.values_and_valuetypes.field_container.FieldContainer

Non-obvious customization: cls._table_create_options dict with extra kwargs for rethinkdb.table_create


Note: be careful what you wish for. The document object is updated in place when you iterate. Unsaved changes to it might then be overwritten.

classmethod aiter_table_changes(changes_query=None, conn=None)[source]

Executes changes_query and returns an asynchronous iterator (a ChangesAsyncMap) that yields (document object, changefeed message) tuples.

If changes_query is None, cls.cq().changes(include_types = True) will be used, so the iterator will yield all new or changed documents in cls’s table, and changefeed messages will have a “type” attribute giving you more information about what kind of change happened.

If you sepcify changes_query, the query must return one complete document in new_val on each message. So don’t use pluck() or something to that effect in your query.

The query may or may not already have called run(): * if run() has been called, then the query (strictly speaking, the

awaitable) is just awaited. This gives the caller the opportunity to customize the run() call.
  • if run() has not been called, then the query is run on the given connection (or the default connection). This is more convenient for the caller than the former version.

Creates a new Document (same class as self) and (shallow) copies all fields except for the primary key field, which remains unset. The new Document is returned.

classmethod cq()[source]

RethinkDB query prefix for queries on the Document’s DB table.

classmethod create(**kwargs)[source]

Makes a Document and saves it into the DB. Use keyword arguments for fields.

classmethod load(pkey_val, conn=None)[source]

Loads an object from the database, using its primary key for identification.


RethinkDB query prefix for queries on the document.