
aiorethink is available on PyPI, so you can install it simply with pip. You can also grab the source right from github.


You need at least Python 3.5. Check the version you have like so:

python3 --version

Along with Python 3.5, you should also have pip.

Obviously, you also need access to an instance of RethinkDB.

Alternative 1: install from PyPI

pip3 install aiorethink

Alternative 2: install from source

Running or installing right from source gives you the possibility to run the bleeding edge version of aiorethink. There is also more content for you to play with. For instance, the sources include a Vagrantfile, which gives you a VM running RethinkDB and all you need for playing with aiorethink.

The easiest way to install aiorethink from source is to use pip to install aiorethink right from github. To do this in a fresh virtual environment, run this in an empty directory:

python3 -m venv py-env
. ./py-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -e git+

You now have aiorethink installed locally. Since we specified -e (“editable mode”) to pip, the cloned repository will be stored in py-env/src/aiorethink. You can hack things in there if you want. If you don’t need the repository clone, just omit -e.

You can use any version of aiorethink this way, by specifying any git branch, tag, or commit instead of master.

Alternative 3: hack and build from source

If you don’t want the cloned and hackable repository to live in py-env/src/aiorethink, you can also clone the repository yourself and make an environment that’s more tailored towards hacking aiorethink specifically.

Clone the repository:

git clone

Then cd into the aiorethink directory. Make a virtualenv and install everything you need into it like so:

python3 -m venv py-env
. ./py-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you want to run the test suite and build an aiorethink package, install the pip packages from the other requirements files as well:

pip3 install -r requirements-test.txt -r requirements-dev.txt

Now you can run a python interpreter and import aiorethink and start using aiorethink.

If you want to build an aiorethink distribution package (a “wheel”) that you can install with pip somewhere else (say, your own project’s virtualenv), do this:

python bdist_wheel

You’ll have a wheel file in the build directory now. You can install the wheel somewhere else by pointing pip right to the file:

pip install PATH_TO_WHEEL_FILE